Exhibition from Edote Sdn Bhd: eBrelle Laptop for the Blind

Today, I received a confirmation from ‘Edote Sdn Bhd’, a tech company from Malasia. The exhibitors will bring an innovation that I’m not familiar with. That’s an eBrelle Laptop for the Blind

The product is eBrelle Laptop for the Blind. It is an essential tool for the Blind and visually impaired people, especially students and working adults. It replaces the Braille type-writer machine and functions as a laptop. Please find the brochure here.

You can also visit our website: www.ebrelle.com


Hari ni dapat jumpa Dr Ahmad Shamsuri dari UM untuk perkenalkan eBraille.. Dr Sam ada test typing mode.. alhamdulillah.. typing mode lancar dan tiada kesalahan karekter braille.. #ebraille #blind #smartgadget

♬ original sound – eBraille Malaysia – eBrelle

A sharing about eBrelle Laptop from a Jordanian brother. Jazakallah.

♬ original sound – eBrelle – eBrelle

Selepas lebih kurang 30 minit Firash explore eBraille, dia dah expert dah menaip menggunakan ebraille.. perhatikan, ebraille datang bersama software yang dapat bantu guru/ ibu bapa mengajar anak dalam tulisan braille #teknologi #braille #buta

♬ original sound – eBraille Malaysia – eBrelle